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Mr Driller goes the full 360 degrees!

This is one bad tempered Playdate!

Cranky is in a baaaad mood! Only one thing will put a smile back on his face, destroying things with his drill!

Cranky has never been the most popular resident of Panictown. The other Playdates look down on him, probably because he has a drill instead of a crank.

Fortunately Cranky hates them too and takes his famous bad temper out on the town any time people aren't looking. (Are those drill holes in the 'Welcome to Panictown' sign? Were those potholes there before Cranky went for his walk? Why has the golf course got more holes than usual?)

But for a change the residents of Panictown might need the troublemaker's help. Giant pits have been appearing out of nowhere all over Europe, swallowing buildings and people with abandon. Only a certain Playdate equipped with a drill can go down the pits and rescue the trapped citizens.

Help Cranky chase the evil mastermind behind these disasters, the deranged 3D Playdate, through eight European cities, uncovering secrets and conspiracies as he goes.

  • Use the crank to rotate the entire level.
  • Dpad drills up/down/left or right.
  • Bricks of the same type stick together, you can drill whole groups of grouped bricks with one drill. Beware, though, this can cause so much damage that it will trigger a cave-in!
  • You cannot drill though black stone.
  • Cross bricks are tough to drill through. You  will consume 10% of your air supply on each one.
  • Keep track of your remaining air with the air gauge on the right.
  • Air capsules recover 50% of your air supply.
  • Running out of air isn't the only threat. Falling bricks can kill you. 

  • 64 levels in story mode.
  • 'Endless Drill' mode, how deep can you drill?
  • Full 360 degree cylindrical rotation of the level using the crank.
  • Hazards like unbreakable stone and tough to drill 'cross bricks'.
  • Bombs can blow holes in the middle of levels.
  • Learn how to use the mysterious 'Ghost Mode'.
  • You have a limited air supply, so look out for those rare air capsules!

  • Always have a look around at the top of the level. You can rotate a full 360 degrees at the top, and choose where's best to start drilling.
  • Bricks wobble before falling. Learn when to risk running below wobbling bricks and when to let them fall.
  • You can see the back of the level through the spaces where you drill. This might help you spot air capsules which you might be able to reach if you drill sideways enough.
  • There are a lot of cross bricks. Plan ahead so you never have to drill through them. Losing 10% of your air supply will easily get you killed before that next capsule comes along.
  • Drilling straight down is the fastest way to progress. Sometimes you don't need any more strategy than just drill-drill-drill !
  • You only have one life! If you think you might be drilling down into an area you can't easily escape from then take a second to plan ahead.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsBlack and White, driller, Pixel Art, Playdate


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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Cranky Driller.pdx.zip 7.4 MB

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Good game with nice graphics. However, it crashes every time in the Switch Player menu so I have to start all over again.

Hi Freshman. Sorry about the crash. I can't replicate it, Switch Player is working for me.
Do you get a full on crash with it, where you have to restart the game? Do you get a crash report?

After the full crash I get the Error code e1 to learn more

I think there's a button you can press to expand on details, see what line of code it's happening on, etc. I'll keep trying to replicate it on my side.

It is so right?

CUTE it is like mr driller from the DS and Nintendo switch version 


Thanks! Though Cranky hates being called cute...



/laughs IRL/